Caro leitor, você, que fica o dia inteiro na frente do computador acessando a internet o tempo todo e visitando milhares de sites por dia: acha que entende bastante sobre o assunto? Acha que todas as respostas do mundo podem ser obtidas depois de uma rápida pesquisa no Google? E, se não encontrar o que está procurando, acredita que é praticamente certo que a resposta não exista, não é mesmo?
Sentimos desapontá-lo, mas a internet é muito mais do que os buscadores, como o Google, o Bing e o Yahoo! conseguem mostrar. Na verdade, os resultados que são indexados por esses sites de pesquisa compreendem uma ínfima parte do que a internet realmente representa. Está curioso para saber do que estamos falando? Então, prepare-se para se aventurar nas profundezas da Deep Web, a porção da grande rede que poucos já exploraram.O uso da Deep Web é bastante variado, e é aqui que reside a polêmica. Por causa da privacidade, muitas pessoas e instituições usam essa rede para compartilhar e hospedar arquivos sigilosos e que não podem estar disponíveis na “internet convencional”. O exército, as forças policiais, jornalistas e até mesmo cidadãos comuns com algum conhecimento de internet são exemplo de pessoas que recorrem à Deep Web para fins específicos.
É Legal ou Ilegal?
Ao contrário do que muitos podem imaginar, acessar a Deep Web não é
ilegal. Motivados pela privacidade que o local pode proporcionar, várias
pessoas recorrem à “internet invisível” para tratar de assuntos
sigilosos e compartilhar arquivos que jamais poderiam ver a luz do dia.No entanto, a condição de anonimato dessa gigantesca parte da internet também acaba levando ao surgimento de uma série de atividades ilegais com as quais a maioria não ficaria contente de se
Não tenha medo e explore a Deep Web!
Atenção: A deep web sempre está mudando de lugar, então pode ocorrer que com o passar do tempo, alguns endereços deixem de funcionar.
Navegador: Para acessar sites da deep web é preciso utilizar o navegador TOR [download], caso você seja um entusiasta da deep web e ainda não saiba disso.
Lista de sites da Deep Web
WeBuyBitcoins | Sell your Bitcoins for Cash (USD), ACH, WU/MG, LR, PayPal and more
HQER | High quality euro bills replicas / counterfeits
USD Counterfeits | High quality USD counterfeits
OnionWallet | Anonymous Bitcoin Wallet and Bitcoin Laundry
ServicesCommercial Links
TorShops | Create your own .onion store with full bitcoin integration
OnionHosting | Secure hosting for .onion and/or i2p
Onion Identity Services | Selling Passports and ID-Cards
Rent-A-Hacker | Hacking, DDOS, Social Engeneering, Espionage, Ruining people
USA Citizenship | Become a citizen of the USA, real USA passport
Hitman Network | Group of contract killers in the US/Canada and the EU
UK Passports | Original UK Passports
USfakeIDs | High quality USA Fake Drivers Licenses
DrugsCommercial Links
EuCanna | 'First Class Cannabis Healthcare' - Medical Grade Cannabis Buds, Rick Simpson Oil, Ointments and Creams
Peoples Drug Store | The Darkweb's Best Online Drug Supplier! Heroin, Cocaine, Ecstasy, Speed, Cannabis Prescriptions
Smokeables | Finest Organic Cannabis shipped from the USA
CannabisUK | UK Cannabis vendor, selling only organic weed
DeDope | German Weed Shop - Weed and Hash from Germany
BitPharma | EU vendor for cocaine, speed, mdma, psychedelics and subscriptions
Brainmagic | Best psychedelics on the darknet
NLGrowers | Coffee Shop grade Cannabis from the netherlands
Physical GoodsCommercial Links
Mobile Store | Factory unlocked iphones and other smartphones
UK Guns and Ammo | Selling Guns and Ammo from the UK for Bitcoins
Apples4Bitcoin | Cheap Apple Products for Bitcoin
EuroGuns | Your #1 european arms dealer
Digital GoodsCommercial Links
ccPal | CCs, CVV2s, Ebay, Paypals and more
EroticCommercial Links
Kamagra for Bitcoin | Same as Viagra, but cheaper! Ships from the UK.
bittit NSFW | Buy or sell original NSFW pictures for Bitcoins
Tor Sex Workers Review Board | For escorts, exotics, massage, etc
GamblingCommercial Links
Coming soon! Just need to find some which arent scams!
ServicesNon-Commercial Links
Tor link lists and search engines.
The Hidden Wiki | Wiki style link list of TOR, most links there are SCAMS!TORDIR | Categorized link list of Tor, user submitted. Also a PM service
Sites Deep Web | A small list of onion links
Core.onion | Simple onion bootstrapping
TORCH | Tor Search Engine, claims to index around 1.1 Million pages
Deepsearch | Another search engine
OnionBookmark | Keep bookmarks private or share with public
InspecTor | List of bad Tor nodes with ExcludeNodes generator for torrc
TorJump | A one-click wrapper to make Tor more accessible to non tech-savvies
Welcome, We've been expecting you! | Links to basic encryption guides
Gateway | Tor <----> I2p web proxy
Startbook | online management of your bookmarks/favorites
Email + Messaging
TorPM | Tor Private MessagingSimplePM | A PM service by CWKU. No registration needed
GPF AnonymousWebservices | Proxies for I2P, mail, news, tor, web
GPF PrivacyBox | Private messaging service. Proxies for I2P, tor, web
Tor Mail | Webmail/SMTP/IMAP/POP3. Can send/receive mail from outside Tor with a address
Remailer Reliability Stats | Mixmaster/Cypherpunk remailer stats
Newzbin | Crowdsourced Usenet index based in the UK
ChatRoom | AJAX based chat system, use any browser, no registration
EFG Chat | HTTP refresh chatrooms
Torbook | A way to make friends in onionland
ELIZA | Free pyschotherapy
n0id | n0id's crypto identity and contact page
Narcan's GPG key | Narcan's GPG key
TorStatusNet | Twitter clone on tor
The Onion Cloud | Tor/ownCloud based cloud, Login/Pass: public/publicCircleServices | Mixie's place. Provides: Circle-Talk, TorPM, ImgZapr, SnapBBS, qPasteBin, AnonyShares, Circle-IRC
Anonyshares | File upload up to 10MB
qPasteBin | A pastebin
Onion Fileshare | 2GB Upload file size limit, upload any files you want
ES Simple Uploader | Upload images, docs and other files, 2 MB upload limit
IMGuru | Fast GIF/JPEG host. No images removed. If you get the error Invalid File, retry the upload
SquareBoard | Upload and share high quality images, moderated
sTORage | Upload files, has WebDAV support
Onion Image Uploader | Image Hosting, 2 MB upload limit, generates medium thumbnails
Freedom Hosting | Hosting Service with PHP/MySQL, as of 2011-06-04, it hosts about 50% of the live OnionWeb by onion
PasteOnion | Paste and share text, sources, whatever, you can make your paste public or set a password
QicPic | Upload any type of file, caches and compresses uploaded files to decrease loading time
HackingNon-Commercial Links
HackBB | Forums for hacking, carding, cracking, programming, anti-forensics, and other tech topics, includes a marketplace with escrow
Carders Forums | Ministry of Fraudulently Affairs
hashparty | Password hash cracking site
Polyfront #2nd | Tradecraft and security tutorials
OnionUserX Censor Page | Seriously, the fuck? Anyone mind reposting the original links?
The KMs Bird (WhiteHex) | School hacker
DeepSec | An annual European two-day in-depth conference on computer, network, and application security
BRAMA | Linux/Wireless/Mobile tech consortium in Poland
TM Comm | For a Chaotic Tomorrow
The KMs Bird (GreenBin) | School hacker
Shell In A Box | Shell In A Box
Requiem | Software for removing iTunes DRM
keys open doors | Mirror of geohot's PS3 hacking tools
Speakeasy #2nd | Paper describing a highly-secured forum system (current version)
Crackwar | Pirates are the good guys!
Cycekkk | A browser exploit page using 302 mailto method. Tries to send bad words/links to Mr. Brejza
New Diceware Lists | Randomization for file names. Multiple lists, more to come
Speakeasy #1st | Paper describing a highly-secured forum system (old flawed version)
Onion Desktop | eyeOS web desktop
Dear PayPal], [ (clearnet) | AntiSec's message
WarezNon-Commercial Links
OnionWarez | Warez forum
Weird and Wonderful Old Stuff | A collection of old DOS and Windows software
Lossless Audio Files | Mostly WavPack, some FLAC, Ape, ogg, etc. Has index generating links
FileshareZ | Filesharing forum, movies, music and tv-shows
Movies, Music, TV & Ebooks | user: webuser password: L0L******
OnionWarez | Warez forumThe Tor Library | 47 GB. pdf, chm, djvu. Design by Russebertene
Example rendezvous points page | Thomas Paine's ''Common Sense'' and ''The Federalist papers''
Destination Unknown | Small selection. Searchlores, Cryptonomicon, Thelema..
LiberaTor | Making weapons, military training, and related subjects
Free Bibliotheca Alexandrina | English, Spanish and German books
The Laughing Nihilist | Drugs + writing
Mister | Collection of writings, art, selected texts and deeply personal views on philosophy of existence
ParaZite | Collection of forbidden files and howto's (pdf, txt, etc.)
EroticNon-Commercial Links
(Y)APE | Yet Another Porn Exchange
LustAdultery | Hardcore hot truth ladies and lust
Bug Tales | Site rip of from the Internet Archive. Homosexual bugchasing stories
Porn-Free | Free porn advice
Hard p0rn | forum | The harder the better
Penis Panic! | Dedicated to genital mutilation. The discussion board
Penis Panic! | Dedicated to genital mutilation. The pictures and videos
ForumsNon-Commercial Links
TheHiddenHand | SnapBBS, TheHiddenHand collective communication based on conspiracy, philosophy and uncensored information-currently seeking freedomhosting invite
Torchan | /b/, /i/, programming, revolution, tons of other boards
Anonchan | Boards: /b/">- Random, /a/">- Anime/Manga/NSFW
Hidden Image Site | HIS
Bobby's board | Channel with currently only 2 boards but growing, about 75% uptime
Torduckin0 #1st | Citadel, BBS with chat and IM to support
TriChan | Revived, now only has /txt/">Textboard, /mlp/">My Little Pony, and /b/">Random
Circle-Talk | A board on the front page of CircleService
SnapBBS | The SnapBBS service
Onion Site Reviews | A site started 2011/11/19 made for the reviews of onion sites
TorTSE | A continuation of the infamous TOTSE forum which has existed since the late 80s covering almost every topic
TOR Free For All | Unmoderated area for political and other topics. Anything goes. Private board
Democrat Watch | Right-wing board dedicated to criticizing Democrats (registration required)
The Intel Exchange | Know or need to know something? Ask and share at this underground intelligence gathering network
LE+TOR Interchat | Law enforcement and Tor users can interact and share their opinions as humans
TOR Answers | Like Yahoo answers, but with a Tor twist
Paranomal Aliens n' Shit | Discussion of the Paranormal, Aliens and Shit
Cafe at the End of the Internet | Feeling off-topic? Tech-oriented chill zone/meeting grounds for general talk
Esoteric and Occult | Dedicated to all forms of occultism
Crime Network | A place to network and get better at your craft
Demosthenes' Board | Demosthenes' Board
SnapBBS public board | The public SnapBBS board
Onionforum 2.0 | A restart of the popular Onionforum. No login required
What is your current Bitch? | Post your current gripe and/or bitch! Blow some steam off and you will feel better
Talk.Masked | Talks and Notes. 2nd generation
Torduckin0 #2nd | BBS with chat and IM to support
Anonymous BBS | Another variation of the talks style of board
OnionMe | Forum for personal ads. All ages welcome
Torduckin0 #3rd | BBS with chat and IM to support
Torduckin0 #4th | BBS with chat and IM to support
Leaf's underground horticulture | Minimalist, multipurpose text boards. No login required
Torsquare | Anonymous board, shares posts and discussions with Torbook's public square
HackBB | Forums for hacking, carding, cracking, programming, anti-forensics, and other tech topics. Also a marketplace with escrow
DOXBIN | DOX go here. A pastebin for personally identifiable information
Freeside | WHY WAIT? Leave the crazy at the door
Talk | Board, no pictures
RedditTor | Anonymous Reddit
MediaNon-Commercial Links
RespiraTOR | If something is infuriating you, it's better to get it off your chest
Americans for Disparity | Exploring disparody
Tor and blosxom | A Tor hidden service running on the blosxom blogging platform
10 Step Guide to Bail Jumping | More about Jumping bail and fleeing the country
Gionn | Technology blog and news aggregator
My Hidden Blog | Security politics, security, tor, tools, personal
Tornado | Forum, blogs, polls, registered or anon posting
Cone's lair #2nd | Yeesha. Back with Cone's journal and some other stuff
True Anonymous Confessions | A confession service based on a bash clone
How to Get Away with Insider Trading | You always wondered why these guys were getting caught, now pull it off and make millions
Beat the Sex Offender Polygraph & Abel Assessment | Sex Offender? Here's how to stay out and prevent re-convictions or get a better plea offer
Beneath VT | Information on the steam tunnels at Virginia Tech
Keep Bitcoin Real | Fuck the day traders, take Bitcoin back to its roots
The Human Experiment | Human medical experiments. We go, where few dare
Steal This Wiki mirror | Steal this wiki mirror, no editing, hosted at NoReason
PoliticalNon-Commercial Links
Heidenwut | Politics, Occultism, Spy vs Spy, Revolution!!
BuggedPlanet.Info | Information on Telecommunication Interception Companies + Installations
PURE EUROPE | Cleanse Europe of the dirt!
Keep Internet Open! | Small unofficial AnonOps site, currently instructing how to DDoS MasterCard and other WikiLeaks opponents
A website | Free speech advocacy. (About 50% uptime.)
paraZite #2nd | Illicit activities advocacy and censored information archive
House of Anonymous | Satirical manifesto regarding anonymous
The Movement of torism | New activist group organized in OnionSpace
Wake up Europe! | This is a call to arms!
Revolution Bunker | h3x's blog on censorship, hacking, privacy, crypto, capitalism, war, corruption, etc
LoM's Revolutionary Codex | Revolution/Subversive texts, forum soon, blog
Heidenwut | Politics, Occultism, Spy vs Spy, Revolution!!
See also | WikiLeaks Official SiteA Cat's Mirror of Wikileaks Cablegate site | Includes cables currently redacted or offline
WikiLeaks mirror #B | updates follow with up to 3 days delay
WikiLeaks mirror #A | WikiLeaks last push update to this mirror occurred 2011-03-06
Operation AntiSec
Texas Takedown Thursday: Chinga La Migra IV | AntiSec messes with Texas, attacks dozens of police systems and chief emailsFuck FBI Friday: IACIS Cybercrime Investigator Communications | email dump including IACIS internal email list archives
HBGary Federal Attachment Dump | The HBGary email archive leaked by AnonymousTaz Onion | onion version of | Mockup of another leak project, known as OpenLeaks
OthersNon-Commercial Links
Kenny | You killed Kenny! You're a bastard!
DuckDuckGo | metasearch engine with heavy filtering
bugmenot@tor | A user supplied database of account credentials for various websites
The LG enV2 | Very basic information and photo gallery about a wireless digital messaging phone
thE LisT oF SQL data bases! | MySQL credentials archive. Hosted on this page
Questions and Answers | A little truth game. Ask questions and give answers anonymously. Answers also support image uploading
noreason | Info and pdf files on weapons, locks, survival, poisons, protesters, how to kill. Hidden Wiki, TorDir, Steal this wiki, Telecomix Crypto Munitions Bureau mirrors. Guro, dofantasy --Fansadox Collection
The Outlaw Project | "Free for all" links to various files and known .onion sites. Onion address hosted an FTP service
Non-EnglishNon-Commercial Links
Czech / Cetina #2nd | Ceská obdoba WikiLeaks | Czech website based on WikileaksDanish / Dansk
DanishChan | Scandinavian focused imageboard. Boards include drugs and IT security as well as a Random board. Fast and clean layout, little | Danish Drug Trade
Dutch / Nederlands
Voetbalfan | VoetbalfanFinnish / Suomi
Sipulilauta | A chanThorlauta | Successor to Torlauta
Blue Quarters | Advice regarding to BitCoins, Silk Road Online, ordering anonymously, staying anonymous in deepweb etc
Blue Quarters Forum | Discussion forum
Suojeluskunta | White Power Forum
French / Français
Hmm? | A French boardJe suis Kalila | Weird website
German / Deutsch
Das ist DEUTSCHLAND hier | discussion forum with no specific topicTAZ Archiv | A daily updated archive of the TAZ (German newspaper) starting from 2009-05 maybe with some days missing
Hmm? | Forum for warez and uncensored talk
beaglesnoop | Website and blog
Pyrowiki | Pyrotechnics and drug wiki
Geheimkanal | Imageboard. (Partially 18+)
Safety101 | Computer saftey board. Some English
Jailbait Sex Forum | Jailbait Sex Forum
Flachbrustkanal | Brett für flache Brüste
Samim.onion | Selling and shipping of drugs and medicine in Israel (Bitcoin)Polish / Polski
Torowisko | Forum Polskiej Spolecznosci Tor. Nowe ogólnotematyczne forum bez rejestracji i cenzury. Godny Nastepca Onionforum, juz z ponad 8000 postami (codziennie przybywaja nowe!)Fundacja Panoptykon | | Strona fundacji przeciwstawiajacej sie coraz powszechniejszej inwigilacji oraz tendencjom nasilania nadzoru i kontroli nad spoleczenstwem
George Orwell | polskie tlumaczenie znanej powiesci
Polska Ukryta Wiki | PUW, wiki polskiej spolecznosci Tor
Backup NWO | wybór najciekawszych stron i artykulów dot. nowego porzadku swiata i tematów pokrewnych
Ksiega Urantii | czyli kolejna, jedynie sluszna prawda, komus tam objawiona
Krzysztof Brejza | malo zabawna imitacja strony jednego z poslów PO
Polska Cebulka | blog i zbiór linków dot. polskich zasobów sieci Tor
Polska ukryta strona w sieci Tor | przykladowa strona
Torkazywarka | http://nemlq3kd36frgvzp.onion/forum/ Forum Przekrety , praktycznie martwe forum, w zalozeniu o przekretach, broni i hackingu
TorKnight | wielotematyczne forum wymagajace rejestracji
56 Dog Days | Ramblings
Onioon Search | Polska wyszukiwarka stron .onion | kazdy moze dodac swój strone do katalogu wyszukiwarki
Slovak / Slovenský
Detská pornografia: Je to len zámienka | Preco je boj proti detskej pornografii zámienkou pre nieco inéSpanish / Español
Abusos | Abusos judiciales en EspañaT0rtilla | Shoutox webchat
CebollaChan | CebollaChan, el tor-chan en Castellano
T0rtilla | Shoutbox webchat. (Direct FH URL)
Forocoches 2.0 | Torocoches | Forocoches 2.0
Swedish / Svenska
Moral.Nu | Vad är moral?KognitionsKyrkan | Spiritual stuff
ZG Projektet | ZG Projektet
Muito bom!